PC setup for the Translator involves turning up and unmuting as needed
the main and "Wave" volume control sliders of the PC's regular playback
Volume Control panel. It's also good to turn down or mute all the other
sliders. (And center the
Left/Right controls.)
Double-Click the "xam.bat" batch file, and enter the code "86PL B8W9
39TX Y" (translates as "AVID*089*011*053") for testing. The translator
accepts the rec.pets-2005a
Primary Form (17 characters) or Long Form (96 characters, provided for
completeness) as input for
and will transmit for several seconds
each entered code. Immediately afterwards, it will send a code which
translates as "AVID*089*299*868" for one second, at
slightly lower volume. Seeing
code on the display, exact in all digits, indicates a
"non-translatable" result
from the
translation process, but also confirms that the translator hardware is
working. Erroneous input, such as a transcription error in a
found pet report, is the most likely
cause of this. You might want to put a label near the display window with the legend
"AVID*089*299*868 = non-translatable" as a reminder of this. (This code won't be a real pet's ID, of course; this is one of my specimen chips.)
The "xam.bat" batch file has only one statement in it; it just runs
"xam.exe" for you. You can just double-click "xam.exe" instead, but I
have found that the "paste" operation, through use of the right mouse
button, only works if the batch file is used. Your system may be
different. For the batch file to work, it needs to be outside of any zip
file folder, with "xam.exe" in the same folder. In order to leave the
MiniTracker" turned on continuously, a quality battery eliminator is
Once again, if you'd like to share your experiences in building the Max
Microchip scanner or translator, please post to the
newsgroup, placing the word "max" in your subject line!
Andy Kluck, Max Microchip designer. (E-mail postmaster

nospam.maxmicrochip.com; leave in the nospam part!)